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Kawartha Denture Clinic

Replace Your Missing Teeth with Implant-retained Dentures in Lindsay

To ensure the best fit and function, implant retained dentures can improve the functionality of your bite and chewing ability significantly over conventional denture treatment.


Perhaps you find your existing dentures uncomfortable and a hindrance to your ability to enjoy your favourite foods. Thankfully, implants provide a much better alternative to traditional dentures, and our professional denturist at Kawartha Denture Clinic can show you the many benefits of implant retained dentures vs conventional dentures.

Secure yet Removable Dentures

Implant retained dentures will “snap” when they are put in the mouth. They help reduce the challenges with wearing dentures in day to day life, they help improve your chewing ability by providing a more stable denture in the mouth, this can result in a much healthier lifestyle.

Fixed bridge on implants

Who Qualifies for Dental Implants?

Anyone who needs a tooth replaced can benefit greatly from dental implants. Because your jawbone starts to dissolve right after you lose a tooth, it’s important to preserve the bone as much as possible through implants. You might qualify for dental implants if you have a healthy and strong amount of bone left in your jaw. If there is damage to your jawbones, there are still other implant alternatives. It’s important to set up implants as soon as possible after tooth loss.

An image of a woman smiling while looking into a mirror

Lost a tooth? Consider Dental Implant

Improve your bite, teeth alignment, and your overall smile with dental implants.

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